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Stan produktu: Nowy

Rodzaj: książki naukowe i popularnonaukowe

Seria: inna

Liczba stron: 810

Gatunek: Pozostałe

Język publikacji: angielski

Rok wydania: 2004

Nośnik: książka papierowa

Autor: Getz Ken ,Litwin Paul ,Baron Andy

Okładka: miękka

Tytuł: Access Cookbook

Wydawnictwo: OReilly

ISBN: 9780596006785

Cena: 169,00 zł

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Access Cookbook


Getz Ken

Litwin Paul

Baron Andy

  • ISBN: 9780596000844
  • Okładka: miękka
  • Rok wydania: 2002
  • Wydawnictwo: O'Reilly
  • Liczba stron: 810
  • Stan bardzo dobry (-)

The diverse problems and solutions presented here are of interest to Access power

users and programmers at all levels, from the relatively inexperienced to the most sophisticated.

Each of the book’s 14 chapters focuses on a particular topie area related to the Access environment or Access programming. Within each chapter, individual items follow a standardized format. The authors first pose the problem, then present its solution. Einally, a discussion follows, which consists of extended analysis of the solution, an insightful examination of how Access works, or interesting programming techniques that are used in the solution but that you can also apply elsewhere.

The kinds of problems posed and solved in the book include the following:

• Specifying query criteria at runtime, rather than at design time

• Restricting the user to a single row of a form

• Preventing a report from printing if it has no records

• Making slow forms run faster

• Insuring that user interface objects present a uniform, consistent appearance

• Controlling a printer’s paper source programmatically

• Referencing data from multiple SQL Server databases in a single Access Data Project page

• Using contact information from an Access database when sending email using Outlook

The accompanying CD-ROM includes Access databases that contain the solutions for all problems presented in the text.

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