Koszt wysyłki: od 15,90 zł
Stan magazynowy:
Stan produktu: Nowy
Seria: inna
Gatunek: Medycyna, nauki medyczne
Język publikacji: polski
Rok wydania: 2001
Nośnik: książka papierowa
Autor: AstraZeneca
Okładka: miękka
Tytuł: WHAT'S WHAT a guide to acronyms for cardiovascular trials
Wydawnictwo: AstraZeneca
ISBN: 9789185521067
When we prepared the first edition of What’s What in 1990, we probably did not realise the positive impact of our work and the popularity this publication has gained. Our data bank has been growing every year as we continuously monitor the progress of research in cardiovascular medicine. As a result of this work we are pleased to present the 5th edition of What's What, a reference guide to acronyms of clinical studies in cardiovascular medicine, which reports the most important data for the major trials in this area.
In this edition, over a hundred new studies have been included, and studies published in the previous edition have been updated. In addition, some minor studies that are identified by acronyms, as well as some major studies that do not have acronyms or have not been referenced for several years, are covered in a briefer format in the Appendix (p 613-620). Indices (p 621-663) are included to facilitate cross-referencing by author name, drug and disease.
In order to meet the needs of many medical scientists, What’s Whatls now also available online at www.incirculation.net - an international web site which aims to be a leader in providing access to information on cardiovascular medicine - and this will be updated on a regular basis.
We thank all the readers who have provided us with useful information by returning the reply card attached to the back cover of the previous edition. Please continue to advise us of any clinical cardiovascular trial with an acronym that is about to begin or that we may have overlooked, by returning your reply card or by visiting What’s What online.
Now that a new edition of What’s What is ready to serve the medical profession, we can roll up our sleeves and start work on the next update.
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